400020 THOMAR ThoMar Oil Absorbent Powder
ThoMar Oil Absorbent Powder
The product with part number 400020 (ThoMar Oil Absorbent Powder)
is from company THOMAR and distributed with basic unit price 6,89 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.
ThoMar Oil Absorbent Powder Technical data Content 1 kg Highlights & details MPA certificationBinds oil and chemicalsAnti-skid, suitable for road surfaces Description Binders, such as those used by the fire service, remove oil, heating fuels and lubricants, diesel, petrol or chemicals such as acid from the car battery. It easily and safely binds liquids in the grain and guarantees quick and convenient disposal. The very high absorptive capacity means low material requirements and low waste. The earth and groundwater are not affected. The environment is protected. Features Suitable for tiles and plastic flooringSuitable for dry cleaning oil devicesBound liquids are not released even under pressureOdour-neutralisingConforms to oil binder type III R. Absorbin V can be used as plant granulate and moisture stabiliser in window boxes.
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